Recruitment Doisser


Designation: PR-02
Country: Unknown

Status: Pending Apointment

Primary Skill - Combat/Destruction

Operative Apotato joined the server rather recently. They have a potential of being appointed as a low level combatant or a guard. They seem to enjoy loud operations rather than silent infiltrations. Therefor they will be placed in the orca unit. Not much of their history is known other than the fact that they are newer to the generations of smps.
Commanders notes: They could probably be placed to guard omega base or the safehouse in Ontario. If this is rejected then I'd recommend they be placed in the orca unit for standard feild operations. They seem like a very capable operator based on willingness to participate. However, we should give them a smaller operation for the beginning. They are still a rookie, and they may not be ready for high level operations

Doisser Accepted

This Doisser has been sealed